Safety Council

Engage Estero Safety Council is made of volunteers serving as a voice for the citizens of greater Estero on safety and transportation priorities and issues. We advocate for related solutions to Village, County, and State Government organizations.

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Keep the Streets Clear for Emergency Vehicles

Keep the Streets Clear for Emergency Vehicles

Estero Fire Rescue, San Carlos Park Fire Protection and Rescue Service, and Bonita Springs Fire Control & Rescue District have an agreement for “Closest Unit Response”. This means if an Estero Fire Rescue unit is closer to an incident call in the Vines, they will...

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Driving Safety is Everyone’s Responsibility!

Driving Safety is Everyone’s Responsibility!

One of the major causes of vehicular accidents is distracted driving. We have entered the “100 Deadliest Days” - the period between Memorial Day and Labor Day when fatal teen crashes increase dramatically. Parents are the best line of defense to ensure a safe ride!...

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